#Fi50 Fiction in 50

Our Fiction in 50 meme/bloghop has been retired. But just in case you want some inspiration, I'm leaving this up so you can access the prompts.

fiction in 50   image Fiction in 50 NEW BUTTON

What is #Fi50? In the words of founder Bruce Gargoyle, "Fiction in 50: think of it as the anti-NaNoWriMo experience!" Pack a beginning, middle and end of story into 50 words or less (bonus points for hitting exactly 50 words).

The rules for participation are simple:

1. Create a piece of fictional writing in 50 words or less, ideally using the prompt as title or theme or inspiration.
That’s it!  But for those who wish to challenge themselves further, here’s an additional rule:

2. Post your piece of flash fiction on your blog or (for those poor blog-less souls) add it as a comment on the Ninja Librarian’s post for everyone to enjoy. 
And for those thrill-seekers who really like to go the extra mile (ie: perfectionists):

3. Add the nifty little picture above to your post (credit for which goes entirely to ideflex over at acrossthebored.com) or create your own Fi50 meme pic….
and 4. Link back here so others can jump on the mini-fic bandwagon.
At this time, I haven't been able to find a source for a free linky-list, so it's just comments. I recommend posting your basic blog link below, with the day you post your Fi50 story. You can also add a link in the comments on my story, posted the next-to-last Sunday of the month. Feel free to Tweet using the #Fi50, though I'll not lie: the Ninja Librarian is a lousy tweeter.

I will do my best to visit if you post, but the first half of 2019 I will be away from the computer a lot, so be patient!

Prompts for  2019 are below – suggestions for new or alternative prompts are always welcome! Posts can go up any time during the last week of the month (or any other time – we’re not fussy! My post will go up on the last Sunday of the month, unless that's too near the end.

You’re welcome to pick your own topics or go along with the ones below.

Previous Prompts (2019)
January - Icy Fingers
February - No more hearts and flowers
March - Whenever
April - Exactly

May - Sweet home, Alabama
June - Countdown

July - Taking it to the …. (Complete with your own word)
August - One drop too many
September - Taking turns
October - Wolf at the door

November - Forging ahead
December - Behind the curtain

Previous Prompts (2018)
January 28... Snowglobe
February 18... Make a Note
March 25... Beneath the Surface
April 22 ... Hours of Fun
May 27... The End is in the Beginning
June 24... Cutting it Fine
July 22 ... On the Road
August 26... The ___ is/are Calling, and I Must Go (you fill in the blank)
September 23... Empty Nest
October 28... Horror
November 25... My Family is So Weird...
December 23... The Worst Gift

Previous Prompts (2017)
January 30 Moving with the Times
February 27 A Marriage of Convenience
March 27 Lucky Charms
April 24 When One Door Shuts
May 29 That Old Wive’s Tale
June 26 A Change in the Weather
July 24…After Dinner
August 28…Blessing in Disguise 
September 25…Oops! 
October 30…A Piece of Cake 
November 27…The Worst that Could Happen
December 25…Joy in Abundance

Previous prompts (2016)
January 24 Dredging up the Past
February 28 Raising the Bar
March 27 The Esteemed Guest
April 24 Born to….. (You fill in the blank)
May 29 Mixed Messages
June 26 The Only Certainty
July 25.Aged to Perfection
August 29 The Squeaky Wheel
September 26 Signs and Wonders
October 24 With Great…..Comes Great Responsibility (You fill in the blank)
November 28 An Offer You Can’t Refuse
December 26 A Recipe for Success

Previous prompts (2015)
January 26 A Dawning Realisation
February 23 Sincerely Yours
March 30 A Kernel of Truth
April 27 The trouble with …(You fill in the blank!)
May 25 A Contradiction in Terms
June 29 Exit, Stage Left
July 26 Public Enemy Number One
August 23 A Calculated Risk
September 27 Life of the Party
October 25 Beware the … (You fill in the blank!)
November 29 An Unexpected Arrival
December 27 Venturing Forth

January The best of intentions
February Love in the Time of …….  (you fill in the blank!)
March A tiny, beautiful thing
April Only joking
May What comes after
June The upper hand
July The path to enlightenment
August The last place you look
September A worthy adversary
October The darker side of ………. (you fill in the blank!)
November If at first you don’t succeed
December Into the great beyond

December Reflections
November Past Regrets
October Monumentally Awkward
September Unconventional Relationships
August Famous Last Words
July Night Terrors


  1. I had a few prompt ideas while doing something yesterday. Of course, they've gone now.
    something like:
    On the Road
    Beneath the Surface
    Hours of fun
    Cutting it fine

  2. You could recycle the ones from 2013 and 14 for 2019 :)

    1. Well, that’s a thought! I’m sure none of us would remember them.


We want to hear from you! Tell us your reactions, or whatever's on your mind.