
Friday, April 9, 2021

Photo Friday: Spring is Springing

 Since I'm still on The River (a designation subject to local interpretation. I'm in the Grand Canyon. On a raft. Probably not writing anything except inarticulate exclamations in my journal about the mind-blowing scenery), here are some random photos from spring in CA, which comes early and fades too fast into summer heat.

These were taken in February and March.

Almond trees

Magnolia tree with Christmas lights :)

Here's the magnolia tree in daylight.

Peach tree

Close-up of the delicate, promising peach blossom

This and the photo below are taken in Bidwell Park, Chico's amazing city park.

Yes, this is still within the city park! Indian Paintbrush is the latest--along with lupines--to burst into bloom in the Upper Park.

 ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2021
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.


  1. Hi Rebecca - wonderful photos ... of Spring starting to burgeon ... lovely to see. Bidwell Park seems an amazing place to have on one's doorstep ... and then the town ... interesting to read up on ... thanks for these - all the best - Hilary

  2. The park is just fantastic! No wonder you love it 😀


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